1病历摘要女,30岁。职业药剂师(本院职工),主因上呼吸道感染后口服头孢拉定3 d无效,给予头孢曲松钠皮试,皮试液浓度为500μg/L,20 min后观察皮试结果为阴性,皮试结果判断标准遵照高荣花,彭祝宪主编《护理技术操作手册》。静脉输入
1 medical record summary female, 30 years old. Occupational pharmacist (hospital staff), the main cause of upper respiratory tract infection after oral cephradine 3 d was invalid, give ceftriaxone sodium skin test, skin test solution concentration of 500μg / L, 20min after the skin test results were negative, skin test results Judgment criteria in accordance with Gao Ronghua, Peng Zhuxian editor of “Nursing Technology Operation Manual.” Intravenous input