1898年9月10日,一则新闻震撼了欧洲:奥地利皇后伊丽莎白(我们所熟悉的茜茜是她的昵称)在瑞士的日内瓦遇刺身亡! 茜茜的悲刷,结束了一个非凡女人传奇的一生。那是个不幸和被人误解的一生。历史上的茜茜,生前并不为很多人所了解。她不像当时公开报道的那样,是一位受到普遍爱戴和狂热崇拜的皇后。事实恰恰相反,她很早就自动放弃了国母的角色,很少在公众场合露面,后来甚至很少居住在维也纳。她性格怪异,处事非常,既不是一个称职的皇后,也不是一个称职的妻子,甚至不是一个称职的母亲,在当时的宫廷和社会中实际被看成是一个异类。
September 10, 1898, a news shocked Europe: Austrian Queen Elizabeth (we are familiar with Sissy is her nickname) was assassinated in Geneva, Switzerland! Cissy’s sad brush, the end of the legendary life of an extraordinary woman . It was a misfortune and a misunderstood life. Cici in history, before his death was not understood by many people. She was not, as was publicly reported at the time, a queen who was universally loved and fanatical. Quite the contrary, she had long since automatically abandoned her role as mother of state, rarely seen in public and later even living in Vienna. She was a strange man who had a very strange job and was neither a qualified queen nor a competent wife, nor even a competent mother. Actually, she was regarded as a heterogeneous in court and society at that time.