日本各针织产地的针织工业组合、针织振兴会等行业组织纷纷召开专题讨论会,共商振兴针织之良策,其中主要对策有: 1.瞄准高级品市场,建立灵活的生产系统和提高快速反应能力 针对进口针织品多数属中低档产品的局面,日本针织工业要走高级化、差别化的道路,生产国外不能生产的品种,以提高产品附加价值和解决因生产成本高所带来的竞争能力下降的问题、例如,日本毛衫加工厂有55%的设备是细针距的,不仅生产费工、费时,而且不适合欧洲目前流行中粗针距的潮流,因此许多毛衫厂纷纷引进针距可灵活变化的设备,可以快速地适应市场需求,相对减少设备数量和占地面积,有利于降低生产成本。
Knitting industry groups and Knitting Promotion Associations in various knitting areas in Japan have held seminars to discuss the strategy for rejuvenating knitting. The main countermeasures are: 1. Aiming at the high-quality goods market, establishing a flexible production system and improving rapid response In view of the fact that imported knitwear products are mostly middle- and low-end products, the Japanese knitting industry should take the path of advanced and differentiated production of varieties that cannot be produced abroad, in order to increase the added value of products and resolve the decline in competitiveness due to high production costs. The problem, for example, that 55% of the Japanese sweater processing plants are fine gauge, not only is labor-intensive, time-consuming, but also not suitable for the current trend of medium-to-large needle pitch in Europe, so many sweater factories have introduced needle pitches. The equipment that can be flexibly changed can quickly adapt to the market demand, and relatively reduce the number of equipment and floor space, which will help reduce production costs.