在中学思想政治课教学的实践中,对本学科由应试教育向素质教育转变的问题(以下称之为“转变”),从不同角度和不同侧面进行了一番认真的思考,感到茅塞顿开,受益匪浅。现将关于这一问题的一些粗浅认识,择要分述如下: 一、“转变”是完全必要的,是我们的努力方向 李鹏总理在全国教育工作会议上的主题报告中指出:“必须下决心纠正长期存在的单纯应付考试的倾向。这种不良倾向使学校和学生忽视德育、体育,脱离实际,脱离社会,不注重素质的全面提高而一味应付考试。如果不认真解决这个问题,势必误人子弟,造成严重后果。”李鹏
In the practice of middle school ideological and political teaching, the question of changing from exam-oriented education to quality education in this subject (hereafter referred to as “transformation”) has been seriously considered from different perspectives and different aspects, and it feels awkward. shallow. Now, some superficial understandings of this issue will be summarized as follows: 1. “Transformation” is absolutely necessary and is the direction of our efforts. Premier Li Peng pointed out in the main report of the National Education Work Conference: "We must make up our minds Correcting the long-standing tendency to simply deal with examinations, which has caused schools and students to ignore moral education and physical education, to break away from reality, to break away from society, and to cope with examinations without paying attention to the overall improvement of their quality. Children, causing serious consequences.” Li Peng