[案情介绍] 去年9月中旬,江西省萍乡市节溪县芦溪镇江霞村(火葬区)丧户彭某违反<萍乡市殡葬管理实施办法>偷偷地将死去的家人土葬了.接到举报后,镇政府先后派工作人员到彭
This paper investigates the impact of foreign trade on China’s pollution emissions using an input-output model. Generally speaking,as exports are more pollutio
Traditional theory holds that a farmland transfer market comes of institution, demand and land lease. In this article, several villages, including Hongqi in Sic
This article begins with a detailed depiction of China’s overall price movement since the reform and opening-up period, then proceeds with an in-depth analysis
In order to proper
The Institute of Industrial Economics at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and China Business Journal jointly conducted an online survey on the thinking an