
来源 :丹东海工 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ylalh
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前言在建筑工程施工中,混凝土裂缝的产生是一个普遍存在的问题,而裂缝的解决也是一个较为棘手的问题。因此对混凝土裂缝的事先控制,以及产生后的修补处理是建筑生产过程中较为普遍的现象,应有足够的重视。混凝土裂缝产生的原因很多,下面就混凝土裂缝的成因与控制及处理方法,结合我工程实践过程中积累的一些经验谈谈我的看法。 Preface In the construction of concrete works, the concrete cracks are a common problem, and the solution to the cracks is also a tricky one. Therefore, the pre-control of concrete cracks, as well as the repair after the production process is a more common phenomenon in the production process, due attention should be paid. There are many reasons for concrete cracks, the following concrete cracks on the causes and control and treatment methods, combined with some experience accumulated in engineering practice to talk about my views.