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  Two hours before Game 3 of the NBA Finals, Shay Goldenberg started roaming around Quicken Loans Arena to scout spots for a live shot near the crowded floor. There were no producers or photographers to help him-- he needed only to whip out his Zoom Q2n camcorder and custom-made microphone. As the only Israeli reporting inside the arena, he knew an audience 6,000 miles away back home would be watching.
  NBA总决赛第三场前两个小时,夏伊·戈德伯格开始在速贷球馆人满为患的场地上寻找一个能够进行直播的地方。没有制片人和摄影师帮助他——他只需要拿出Zoom Q2n摄像机和定制麦克风便足够了。作为球馆内唯一一个以色列记者,他知道自己远在9656公里外的公众自会观看他的直播。
  "A lot of fans are waking up in the middle of the night," said Goldenberg, who lives in Akron, Ohio, as an emissary working for a Jewish nonprofit group. "I am bringing them an angle different than what they can see on TV."
  Goldenberg writes regularly about the NBA for a Hebrewlanguage basketball site. His fans paid for his flights to cover the first two games of the Finals in Oakland. "For me, it’s the cherry on top," he joked.

  About 20 feet away, Boom Gonzales, a sportscaster from Filipino TV network ABS-CBN, was flipping through his detailed notes while preparing for a 7 a.m. preview show for millions of basketball fans in Manila and the nation’s more than 7,000 islands. Jacques Monclar, a former French basketball player and coach who is now an NBA analyst for global broadcast network beIN SPORTS, carefully watched an intense Cavs halfcourt scrimmage nearby. He would be doing live commentary during the game.
  大約6米外,菲律宾电视台ABS-CBN的体育主播布姆·冈萨雷斯正在翻看详尽的笔记,为马尼拉和菲律宾超过7000个岛屿的数百万观众早上7点的赛前预测节目做着准备。曾经做过球员和教练的法国人雅克·蒙克拉尔现在是全球广播电视台beIN Sports的NBA专家,他认真地看着旁边骑士球员正在进行的高强度对抗。他将在比赛进行期间直播解说。
  On the baseline, Lisa Hsu, a veteran NBA reporter from China’s online media company Tencent (an ESPN partner), wrapped up an interview with NBA commissioner Adam Silver.
  "It’s a big court here," Hsu said. "But with more and more international media outlets here every year, it’s becoming smaller and smaller."
  As the NBA’s reach continues to grow around the world, the media covering it have grown considerably, too. They are diverse and multicultural, reflecting the global fan base that depends on it for access, analysis and action. Almost as foreign emissaries, they feel an obligation to deliver NBA games, news and information to legions of fans, most of whom will never see an NBA game live. That might seem like a weighty responsibility, but as the success of the NBA Finals illustrates, the international media is game.   随着NBA的触角不断伸展到全世界,媒体的报道也相应增加。这些媒体具有多元化,跨越不同文化背景的特点,反映了依靠其报道,分析和行动的NBA全球粉丝的特点。作为外国特派机构,他们认为自己有义务向球迷播放NBA比赛,发布新闻和消息,而其中大多数球迷永远没有到现场观看NBA比赛的机会。也许表面上看这是沉重的责任,但NBA总决赛的成功表明,国际媒体起到了至关重要的作用。
  The growth of the NBA Finals into a global event was evidenced by the vast international media representation at the Finals, which included 265 journalists from 35 countries.
  In China, for example, it was the most-viewed Finals series ever on the country’s digital platforms. Overall, Tencent’s live game coverage received 190.9 million total views and averaged 12.2 million unique viewers per game, up 30 percent from 2016. Game 5 of the Finals was the most-viewed NBA game ever, with 50.6 million total views and 15.9 million unique viewers, surpassing last year’s Game 7, according to Tencent.
  On television, it was the most-watched NBA Finals series since 1998, according to Nielsen (U.S. domestic numbers). The 2017 championship series averaged 20.4 million total viewers, up from 20.2 million viewers for last season’s seven-game series. This year’s Finals also averaged an additional 434,000 digital streaming viewers, according to ESPN, which produces ABC’s NBA telecasts.
  Game 5 averaged 24.5 million viewers, making it the most-watched Game 5 since 1998, and an additional 537,000 streaming viewers.

  Of course, the star power on display in Warriors-Cavs was a huge factor in attracting an audience that spanned 215 countries and territories in 49 languages.
  "There’s 11 current or former All-Stars, and seven of the last eight MVP winners are on the court between LeBron James, Kevin Durant and Steph Curry," NBA deputy commissioner Mark Tatum said. "They’ve created global superstars. And people have an incredible amount of interest and desire to watch them play at the highest level."
  “球场上有11名现役和前全明星,过去八年的MVP有七年被勒布朗·詹姆斯,凯文·杜兰特和斯蒂芬·库里包揽。”NBA副总裁马克·塔图姆表示,“他们创造出了巨星。人们有无以伦比的兴趣和渴望,观看他们的最高水平比赛。”   At the core of the NBA’s decades long globalization is the league’s success in allowing international journalists to be the voice of the game and produce localized stories suited for their fans across different global markets.
  "When I started covering the NBA nearly 30 years ago, there weren’t many (international media) at all," said Yoko Miyaji, a Los Angeles-based Japanese NBA writer.
  Miyaji has been to the Finals every year since 1992, when she started to witness a steady influx of global media presence after the original Dream Team dominated the 1992 Olympics.
  "It makes a very big difference for us to be here," said Guillermo Schutz, a sportscaster for Mexican broadcaster Televisa. "In Mexico, it’s very important to have people you know and you can connect with to understand a sport."
  While international fans have a special connection with players from their home countries, that’s becoming less important for overall interest. Everaldo Marques, a sportscaster for ESPN Brasil, said that viewership is significantly up in the country compared with last year, even without Anderson Varejao and Leandro Barbosa representing the nation. The Warriors’ popularity in Manu Ginobili’s home of Argentina is another example.
  “If Golden State has made inroads in Ginobili’s country, it tells you how it’s growing and how it’s becoming sophisticated," said Alvaro Martin, a commentator for ESPN Deportes.
  “如果勇士能在吉诺比利的国家赢得球迷,就证明联盟在发展,也变得更加复杂。”ESPN Deportes的评论员阿尔瓦多·马丁表示。
  What’s next? According to Tatum, the NBA is looking to India as the next China. The NBA Finals were broadcast in Hindi for the first time ever. Technology will be a primary factor in the NBA Finals’ continued growth.
  "What we had to do is to produce the games now in a way for consumers to optimize for their mobile devices," Tatum said. "So we have different camera angles where we zoom in closer so that we’re able to create a better experience for those consumers who were watching our games on their mobile device and on their laptops and other streaming devices."   “我们现在需要做的,就是为用户最大程度利用移动设备而生产比賽。”塔图姆说,“我们有不同角度的摄像机,可以拉近镜头,为在移动设备,电脑或其他流媒体观看比赛的用户提供更好的观看体验。”
  To better serve broadcasters across different regions, 59 high-framerate cameras allowing super slow motion replays were used in the game broadcast, allowing for international programming uninterrupted by domestic commercial breaks.
  Srinivasan Ramani, a journalist with the newspaper The Hindu, said the league is on the right path.
  "Basketball will become popular if poor people, people living in shanty towns, have the chance to play the game and realize it’s a democratic sport," Ramani said. "Basketball is not a costly sport -- anyone can play it as long as they have a ball and a hoop.
  "It’s very important for India to catch up with the second popular sport in the world and embrace it as one of its own. It’s necessary for Indian press like us to break down the process that enables the NBA players to do what they are doing and humanize it in a way that Indians can understand and learn from it."
作为勇士传奇的TMC组合之一,纽约人克里斯·穆林在西海岸留下了属于自己的印迹。  无论对他本人,他的家人还是朋友,克里斯·穆林前往美国西海岸都是件大事。1985年,互联网还没出现,手机对普通人来说是稀罕物,NBA“联盟通”更是闻所未闻。对于在布鲁克林长大,在皇后区中心地带上大学的人来,被加州奥克兰的球队选中,其实和被火星人选中没有太大区别。我能理解这种感觉,某种程度上,我是亲历者。  克里斯·穆林
阿莱克斯·莱恩在东欧出生,在东欧长大,每次踏上球场,他都是代表祖国出战。  SLAM:你在什么地方长大?  阿莱克斯·莱恩:我在乌克兰一个名叫安瑟塞特的小镇长大,小镇大约有6万人。那里的人都很勤劳,最主要的工作就是挖煤。  小时候你想过未来会成为矿工?  我完全不知道长大后要做什么,不过父亲和祖父都在煤矿工作。我一点也不想做那种工作,所以妈妈说,我必须好好读书。那段时间我身体长得很快,我开始练体操
“我们靠我们,彼此成就;向着榜样的方向,永远并肩前行。我们一起打磨自己,一起发出光亮,一起拼尽所有,一起间出自己的路。我们不是下一代的谁,我们是新的世代。我们一起高举旗帜,去拼,去创。无论是谁,不管在哪,我们一起称雄。”  阿迪达斯全新战靴Dame 3一经推出便受到了广泛关注,其代表的“一起稱雄”的篮球精神也深入人心。此番恰逢申酉更迭,彩凤迎春,阿迪达斯特地为中国广大球鞋爱好者们推出了Dame 3
In fact,the thing that runs contrary to the best interests of the NBA is its own cruel, Unrelenting, BackBreaking of the Schedule.  实际上,对NBA利益造成最大损害的,是他们残酷的,令人窒息的,使人疲劳至极的赛程。  Kristaps Porzingis looked
四座总冠军奖杯并没有让匹克签约球员TONY PARKER停滞不前,而且,他现在还有了更重要的使命——传承。  匹克签约球员托尼·帕克知道,总有一天,邓肯会先于他离开球场。无论投进关键球还是犯下错误,他不会再听到邓肯的轻声细语。职业生涯的前15年,帕克已经习惯了跟在邓肯身后。邓肯离开后,作为现役效力马刺时间最长的球员,帕克认为自己有责任成为球队的领袖,将马刺的传统传承给下一代球员。  帕克之于邓肯,
是全明星球员,还率队杀入过季后赛,但这并不能阻止人们对他的质疑。不过别担心,这不会让他停止去设立并完成篮球路上一个又一个的目标。  伊塞亚·托马斯第一份真正的工作,地点在家乡塔科马港市(美国华盛顿州西部港市)的基督教青年会。那时他15岁,父亲对他要求严厉,期待他独立长大。考虑到伊塞亚几乎每天都在当地基督教青年会打球,他的篮球潜力说服这的总经理给他提供了一份工作。  “那份工作很有趣,因为我之前一直
作为主教练,DIMITRIS ITOUDIS已经在美国之外取得了无数成功。  莫斯科的冬天是无情的,寒冷的夜晚要持续几个月,天气一直是这样:无情,极度寒冷。  但要在这些寒冷的夜晚找到一些值得做,或是相信的事情也不是那么困难。打开电视,迪米特里斯·伊图迪斯正在边线上踱步——他是世界闻名的莫斯科中央陆军的主教练。欧洲篮球史上最成功的教练之一,伊图迪斯正带领着欧洲篮球史上最伟大球队之一走向新一代的辉煌
可以在内线厮杀,可以在外线投篮,可以发起快攻,可以从内防到外。同时,他在联盟中的人格魅力也得到公认。你还能对他要求更多吗?  这是2008年。新泽西皮斯卡塔韦职业技术学校的篮球教练老卡尔·唐斯,带着女儿来到皮斯卡塔韦公园进行训练。年轻的卡尔一安东尼·唐斯,也就是老唐斯的儿子也在。当老唐斯和女儿练习投篮和运球时,小唐斯在球场上漫步。这里,一群高中男孩正在打篮球,他想要加入。  唐斯一直很高大,7年级
在上赛季崛起,现在他有了成为全明星的可能。更为重要的是,在面对社会问题时,特别是与家乡芝加哥有关时,  这位年仅21岁的年轻人成为了联盟中最敢于直言不讳的代表,他非常热心参与回馈社区的活动。  “哇,这个房子真大!”在开阔的院子里玩了会后,这位七八岁的小男孩径直穿过电动玻璃门,之后吃惊地停住了脚步,他的这一停导致了“堵车”,因为他身后还有几个孩子正举着鞋等待进门。  当然,这个孩子并没意识到这一点