新加坡的现行课程设置是在1991年新教育体制的基础上形成的。新加坡 A水平化学课程作为基础教育最高水平的课程,其课程大纲与教材的理念渗透学科中心的思想,在教材编制、习题编制以及概念或原理性知识的教学上都具有独到之处。《新加坡高中 A 水平化学课程与教材解析》一文,值得基础教育工作者阅读。
The current curriculum in Singapore is based on the 1991 new education system. Singapore A-level chemistry courses as the highest level of basic education courses, the curriculum syllabus and the concept of teaching materials to infiltrate the subject center of thought, teaching materials, preparation of exercises and concepts or principles of knowledge teaching are unique. “A Singapore high school chemistry curriculum and textbook analysis” article, it is worth reading of basic education workers.