2015年2月,新加坡政府发布G/T B T/N/S G P/23通报,通报的主要内容是修订现行能源节约(注册商品)法令和能源节约(能源标签和最低性能标准)法规,将普通照明用非定向灯纳入注册商品的范围。明确要求2015年7月1日起,在新加坡供应和销售的电灯必须要注册、粘贴能源标签、符合规定的最低能源性能标准。通报具体要求在新加坡,家庭能源消耗的前五位产品分别是:空调、热水器、
In February 2015, the government of Singapore issued the G / TBT / N / SGP / 23 circular, the main content of which was to revise the current laws and regulations on energy conservation (registered commodities) and energy conservation (energy labeling and minimum performance standards) Non-directional lights included in the scope of registered goods. Clearly require that lights supplied and sold in Singapore must be registered and labeled with energy labels on July 1, 2015, in compliance with the stated minimum energy performance standards. Notification of specific requirements In Singapore, the top five household energy consumption products are: air conditioners, water heaters,