求学以明道也是章学诚的为学目的 ,对道的新认识与其学术理论方法的建立关系重大。道为立言之本 ,道不离器是六经皆史论的立论根据。对闻道的重视也使他在为学方法上迥异于时人 ,而偏重对义理的探究。而《文史通义 .原道》篇是其对道的论述的集中体现。
Learning to Ming Road is also Zhang Xuecheng for learning purposes, the new understanding of Tao and its academic theory and method of establishing a great relationship. Taoism is the foundation of the word, Taoist is the basis for the argument of the history of the six class are. His emphasis on journalism also made him very different from the people in his methodological studies, but paid more attention to the inquiry into the theory of justice. The “literary history Tongyi. The original Tao” chapter is a concentrated expression of his discourse.