充分开发英语教学资源 让学生零距离接触英语

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依照职校英语教学的现状,英语教师必须走出教材的狭窄视野,拓展思路,因地制宜,有机地把知识世界和学生的生活世界联系起来,使之形成一种主动探求知识,重视解决实际问题的积极的学习方式。处处留心皆英语、“追星”在英语中、英语“流行”在流行歌曲中、英语中的格言警句、用英语“提醒”英语学习和他山之石用以攻“英”等六个方面是充分开发英语教学资源的有效方式;职校英语教师在日常英语教学中若持之以恒,则可使学生零距离接触英语、帮助学生逐渐形成积极主动的学习方式。 According to the status quo of English teaching in vocational schools, English teachers must step out of the narrow field of vision of teaching materials, expand their thinking, suit the local conditions, and organically connect the world of knowledge with the students’ living world so as to form a kind of active exploration of knowledge and emphasis on practical problems The way of learning. Everywhere attentively all English, “chasing stars ” in English, English “popular ” in popular songs, English aphorism, English “remind ” English learning and other mountain stone to attack English "and other six aspects is an effective way to fully develop English teaching resources; Vocational English teachers in daily English teaching if perseverance, you can make students close contact with English, to help students gradually form a pro-active learning.
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