瑞典土地上有人口的历史可以追溯到一两千年以前,不过真要把瑞典当个国家管理起来,还得从古斯塔夫·瓦萨算起。11世纪VI KING时代结束后,不知过了多久,瑞典就让丹麦人管制起来了。两个国家形成一个联合王国,由丹麦王主宰。老百姓忍饥受饿,还得向丹麦人交纳老高的税收。瑞典的高税收政策大概就是打从那会儿开始的。交来交去,交得一帮公侯伯子爵们不耐烦了,挺心痛钱,就开始寻思着谋反。可惜事不机密,让丹麦国王知道了,那家伙看起来是老谋深算,不露声色,下了一道密令,把瑞典这些贵族们请到当时斯德哥尔摩市中心的什么议亭大厅开会,待人都来齐,堵上门开始杀起。古时候盖的房子都又大又厚,那帮公侯爵爷在屋里喊救命也没人听得见,一口气让丹麦人干掉了70多个,可能那会儿大部分瑞典社会的上层精华全作了刀下鬼,然而天网恢恢,冤魂不散,那帮人的血居然汇成小溪,流到大街上来了,这才把事情泄露出来。
The history of the population on the land of Sweden dates back a thousand to two thousand years, but it is true that Sweden should be managed as a nation and that it must start with Gustav Vasar. After the end of the VI KING era in the 11th century, I do not know how long Sweden took over the Danes. The two countries formed a United Kingdom dominated by the Danish king. The people are hungry and hungry, and have to pay the Danes their own tax. Sweden’s high tax policy is probably the fight since then. Hand in handing over to pay a bunch of husband and wife Viscount who are impatient, very heartache money, began to think of rebellion. Unfortunately, things are not confidential, so that the Danish king know, that guy looks wily, invisible, under a secret order, the Swedish aristocrats to what was then Stockholm City Hall Pavilion meeting, treat everyone to Qi, Clog the door began to kill. In ancient times, all the houses were large and thick, and no one could hear the call of help from the house of Lord Murdoch. The Dane killed more than 70 breaths at one go, and probably most of the upper-class essences of Swedish society All made a knife under the ghost, but Skynet recovery, innocent, the gang of people’s blood actually sink into the stream, flowing up the street, this leaked out.