The recognition of the abuse of intellectual property should be based on the clarification of the relationship between the exercise of intellectual property rights and the abuse of intellectual property. Although they are related to each other, they can not be simply equated, since the exercise of rights beyond the scope of intellectual property rights is not abusive behavior. Whether the intellectual property monopoly exercise of abuse constitutes a need for abuse depends on whether they are justified or not, and knowledge Misconduct of property rights is essentially different from abuse. To prevent abuse of intellectual property, we need to think about system rationality. The system concept of preventing intellectual property abuse is to solve the conflicts of interests of intellectual property rights on the basis of legal justice, to make correct judgments on conflicts of interest and legal justice and to find a balance between the realization of interests and the security of the order. Second, On the basis of the right to pay attention to the social function of intellectual property. Modern society not only needs to elevate the banner of protection of private rights, but also needs to pay more attention to the social functions of rights. In particular, it needs to pay attention to the relationship between social development and enhancement of the social functions of intellectual property.