近年来 ,三化螟发生期出现了主害代 (三代 )的发生期超常规拉长、峰次增多及发生期的阶段性模糊等新特点。分析原因 ,一是水稻栽培系统变迁 ,全程生育阶段模糊 ,使其种群发育不均衡性加大 ;二是杂交稻大面积推广和虫伤株率提高 ,降低了三化螟种群发育的整齐性 ;三是冬季气温对不同龄期越冬幼虫成活率的影响不同 ,影响到冬后各代的发生期和峰次。据此提出了测报方法的改进意见
In recent years, the occurrence of the third generation borer borealis occurred on behalf of the main generation (three generations) over the conventional elongation, peak increase and the stage of the stage fuzzy new features. Analyze the reasons, one is the change of rice cultivation system, the whole growth stage fuzzy, so that its population development imbalance increases; Second, large-scale popularization of hybrid rice and insect pest strains increased, reducing the uniformity of population development of borer; Thirdly, the effect of winter temperature on the survival rate of overwintering larvae at different ages was different, which affected the occurrence and peak times of the generations after winter. Based on this, the opinion of improving the method of forecasting is put forward