妊娠糖尿病作为糖尿病中的一个重要类型,由于其与孕妇及其后代的健康关系密切而又常常被忽视,近年来受到越来越多的关注。美国医疗保健研究和质量机构(AHRQ)在2009年8月专门发布了针对患者和医生的两项妊娠糖尿病指南——“Gestational Diabetes:A Guide for Pregnant Women”和“Gestational Diabetes:Caring for women during and after Pregnancy”。现将这两项指南的中文译文呈献给大家,供学习和进行患者教育之用。
Gestational diabetes, an important type of diabetes, has received more and more attention in recent years due to its close and often neglected health status to pregnant women and their offspring. The American Institute for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) specifically released two guidelines for gestational diabetes for patients and physicians in August 2009 - “Gestational Diabetes: A Guide for Pregnant Women” and “Gestational Diabetes: Caring for women during and after Pregnancy ”. The Chinese translations of these two guides are now available to all for study and patient education.