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“没问题”这三个字多好,估计谁听了心里都热乎乎的。我们班的黄小猛就喜欢说这三个字,而且他还发明了一句口号:有问题就找黄小猛!一时间,黄小猛的人气旺到爆。不光我们班同学有难事找他,就连别的班同学也闻风而来。不过,黄小猛可不是那种头脑容易发热的草莽英雄,他帮人是有原则的,凡是打架闹事、违犯纪律之类的忙是坚决不帮的。这让我们对他又平添了几分敬佩之情。一旦听到别的班有同学提到“黄小猛”三个字,我们就得意地说:“是我们班同学!”这句话真给力,人家 “No problem ” This is a good word, it is estimated who listened to my heart is hot. Huang Xiaomeng in our class like to say these three words, but he also invented a slogan: a problem to find Huang Xiaomeng! For a time, Huang Xiaomin’s popularity to the explosion. Not only have students in our class find him difficult, even other classmates also smell the wind. However, Huang Xiaomeng is not the kind of brainy hero with a feverish mind. He helps people have the principle that anyone who fights troublemaking or violates discipline is determined not to help. This gives us a bit of admiration for him. Once I heard someone from another class mentioned that “Huang Xiaomeng”, we are proud to say: “is our classmate! ” This sentence really to force, people
“千年紫砂,绵延至今;雅俗共赏,文化先行;前有陈曼生,后有梅调鼎。”  这是当代紫砂界对清代宁波慈城籍著名书法家、诗人、收藏家梅调鼎的评价。  除了书画界和紫砂界,一般人对近乎隐世的梅调鼎知之甚少。  梅调鼎(1839-1906),字廷宽,号友竹、赧翁等。据慈溪光绪志记载,梅家的先祖梅宽夫为南宋咸淳七年(1271)进士,调慈溪尉,后摄知县事,率义勇应文天祥而战死常州。“调鼎”取自宋代诗人张耒的《梅