【摘 要】
The authors regret that errors occurred in the previous paper (Chin. Opt. Lett. 4, 164. A phase-stepping interferometric photoelasticity method is proposed to determine whole-field sum of principal stresses. The four phase steps are introduced by rotating
【机 构】
【出 处】
The authors regret that errors occurred in the previous paper (Chin. Opt. Lett. 4, 164. A phase-stepping interferometric photoelasticity method is proposed to determine whole-field sum of principal stresses. The four phase steps are introduced by rotating quarter-wave plate and analyzer at definite optical arrangements. Light intensities and phase-stepping formula for the proposed method are derived using Jones calculus. Simulations of a circular disk under diametral compression demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed method). This is the erratum to the errors.
主要描述了柱面透镜列阵聚焦系统的原理及结构, 分析了凹柱面透镜列阵线聚焦系统中非球面透镜损坏的原因, 介绍了凸柱面透镜列阵线聚焦系统的设计原则、 性能及在中日合作X射线激光实验中的使用情况。
For enhancing the coupling efficiency between the beam and the photodiode, a special optical taper is proposed for receiving optical signal. Based on the circular symmetric structure of special optical taper, the profile curve equations of it are deduced,
提出一种基于中红外中空波导光纤的呼吸气体CO2测量系统,该系统使用中心波长为2.73 μm的分布式反馈(DFB)激光器结合1 m长的中空波导光纤,采用免标定波长调制光谱技术(CF-WMS)对呼吸气体CO2进行实时测量。采用CF-WMS技术得到的CO2气体浓度与配制所得的标准气体浓度之间的线性度为0.9999,在体积分数为0%~6%的范围内,测量结果与标准气体体积分数值之间的最大绝对误差为0.01%。由CF-WMS 技术反演的CO2体积分数精度为1.01×10 -5,在最佳积分时间26.00 s时,CO2气
腔面光学灾变(COD)是影响半导体激光器高功率输出和可靠性的重要问题。不同腔面膜的器件,其腔面光学灾变阈值差别很大。使用离子辅助沉积(IBAD)的工艺可以使基片表面更清洁,膜层更为牢固致密,同时可以改善由吸收、散射等损耗带来的激光输出功率下降。采取N2氛围中在激光器的腔面上涂镀不同的增透膜与介质高反膜来提高腔面光学灾变阈值。 以980 nm半导体激光器为例,进行对比实验,从老化结果中可以看到不同工艺与不同材料选择下腔面膜的腔面光学灾变的明显改善。
In the object detection task, how to better deal with small objects is a great challenge. The detection accuracy of small objects greatly affects the final detection performance. Our propose a detection framework WeBox based on weak edges for small object
小型化探头是内窥光学相干层析成像(Optical coherence tomography, OCT)中的普遍需求。介绍了包括基于球透镜、光纤透镜、自聚焦光纤、自由曲面透镜、无透镜的OCT技术的发展历程,总结和比较了各种技术的优劣,为探头的小型化设计提出了建议。研究探头的焦深拓展技术对分辨人体内细胞的在体成像的发展具有重要意义。介绍了几种重要的适用于小型化探头的焦深拓展技术,其中基于模式干涉的探头由于易于制作、结构紧凑、传输效率高,同时具有可以优化工作距离、焦深和轴向光强均匀性的优点,在拓展小型化探头的焦
由于太阳模拟器可以精确模拟太阳光, 近年来, 越来越多空间环境模拟试验采用太阳模拟器来模拟在轨高温环境。介绍了一个有效光束直径2 m的大型太阳模拟器, 其准直镜由19块正六边形的球面单元镜拼接而成; 分析了球面反射镜光学装调常用方法, 以球心自校准法为基础, 提出一种拼接式反射镜的装调方案; 详述了该拼接式准直镜的装调过程, 拼接后有效口径2 710 mm, 半径13 280 mm; 此外, 还介绍了大气环境下、真空低温环境下和真空热试验过程中大型太阳模拟器主要辐照特性检测方法及装置, 为太阳模拟器在工程
Preclinical research of biomedical optoelectronic devices is often performed with the use of blood phantoms — a simplified physical model of blood. The aim of this study is the comparison and distinction between blood phantoms as well as whole human blood