明确目标 狠抓落实 大力推进中央企业节能减排工作

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一.中央企业节能减排工作取得了积极成效中央企业是国民经济的主导力量,在我国经济社会发展中发挥着重要作用,特别是在保障石油、煤炭、电力等能源的生产供应和国家能源安全方面.肩负着更为重要的责任。近年来,各中央企业按照党中央、国务院的要求.以高度的政治责任感,大力推进节能减排工作.加快结构调整,加大技术改造,创新管理模式.能源消耗水平呈现下降趋势,主要污染物排放得到有效控制,节能减排工作取得了积极成效。一是单位产值(产品)综合能耗明显下降。2006年石油石化企业万元产值综合能耗比2005年下降了60千克标煤,五大发电企业每千瓦时供电煤耗下降了4.57克标煤,四大钢铁企业吨钢能耗下降了41克标煤。以上三个行业2006年合计节约标煤约1200万吨。二是化学需氧量(COD)排放继续下降。2006年全国化学需氧量排放增长1%,而中央石油石化、电力、钢铁、化工、建材、军工等重 I. Achievements Made by Central Enterprises in Energy Saving and Emission Reduction Positive Achievements Central enterprises are the leading force in the national economy and play an important role in China’s economic and social development. In particular, they are ensuring the production and supply of energy sources such as oil, coal and electricity and the national energy security Aspects have a more important responsibility. In recent years, in accordance with the requirements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, all central enterprises vigorously promote energy-saving and emission reduction work with a high sense of political responsibility, speeding up structural adjustment, increasing technological innovation and innovating management modes, and the energy consumption level shows a downward trend with major pollutants Emissions have been effectively controlled and energy saving and emission reduction work has achieved positive results. First, the unit output (product) significantly reduced the overall energy consumption. In 2006, the comprehensive energy consumption per 10,000-yuan output value of petroleum and petrochemical enterprises dropped by 60 kilograms of standard coal compared with that of 2005. The coal-fired power consumption per kWh of the five major power generation enterprises decreased by 4.57 grams of standard coal while the energy consumption per ton of steel by the four major steel enterprises decreased by 41 grams of standard coal . In 2006, the above three industries totally saved about 12 million tons of standard coal. Second, chemical oxygen demand (COD) emissions continue to decline. In 2006, the country’s chemical oxygen demand emissions rose by 1%, while the central petroleum and petrochemicals, electricity, steel, chemicals, building materials, military and other heavy
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