(第一个数字为期号 ,第二个数字为起页 )※专题综述※天然气液化流程及装置顾安忠 ,石玉美等 1 1…………………精馏计算中相对挥发度α的选择徐文灏 2 1…………………分置式牛津型斯特林制冷机的数值分析与实验验证张存泉 ,吴亦农等 2 6………………………………
(The first number is the issue number, the second number is from the beginning) ※ Feature Summary ※ Natural Gas Liquefaction Processes and Devices GUAN Zhong-Zhong, SHI Yu-Mei et al 1 1 .................................... Relative Volatility α in Rectification Calculation Wen Hao 2 1 ....... Numerical analysis and experimental verification of split-Oxford Stirling refrigerator Zhang Cun-Quan, Wu Yi-Nong et al. 26 ....................................