
来源 :河北医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:room_yuy
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原发性甲状旁腺机能亢进(以下简称原甲旁亢)是由于甲状旁腺肿瘤或增生所致。过去认为是一个少见的疾病,近年由于提高了原甲旁亢临床表现的认识,并进行住院病人血钙筛选,发现了很多无症状的早期病人。据国外报导其发病率高达0.1%,由此可见本病在临病上并非罕见。根据国外751例病理分析:腺瘤、增生和癌分别为87.3%、12.2%和1.7%。国内报导142例中分别为78.9%、19%和2.1%。 Primary hyperparathyroidism (hereinafter referred to as the original hyperparathyroidism) is due to parathyroid tumor or hyperplasia. In the past, it was considered a rare disease. In recent years, as a result of raising awareness of the clinical manifestations of paracoloreal hyperplasia and screening of in-patients’ serum calcium, many asymptomatic early patients were found. According to foreign reports of its incidence as high as 0.1%, we can see the disease is not uncommon in the disease. According to the pathological analysis of 751 cases abroad: adenoma, hyperplasia and cancer were 87.3%, 12.2% and 1.7% respectively. Domestic reports of 142 cases were 78.9%, 19% and 2.1%.