杏鲍茹是亚热带及草原地带典型菇类,侧耳属.杏鲍菇营养丰富,口感绝佳,有保健作用,适合保鲜、加工,极受消费者欢迎.目前在全世界商业性栽培较少,污染率高,生物转化率低.为此,我们进行了多次袋栽试验,现仅将杏鲍菇袋栽技术介绍如下:1 栽培季节 杏鲍菇出菇适宜温度在14—16℃,温度太低或太高都难于形成子实体,因而必须根据各地气候条件和出菇温度要求安排好栽培季节,以秋末初冬与春末夏初为适宜.
Pleurotus eryngii is a typical mushroom in the subtropical and grassland areas, pleurotus Pleurotus eryngii rich nutrition, excellent taste, health effects, suitable for preservation, processing, very popular with consumers.Currently less commercial cultivation in the world, Pollution rate is high, low rate of biological conversion.To this end, we conducted a number of bagging test, now only the Pleurotus eryngii bagging technology is as follows: 1 cultivation season Pleurotus fruiting appropriate temperature 14-16 ℃, temperature Too low or too high are difficult to form fruiting bodies, which must be based on climatic conditions and fruiting temperature requirements of the arrangements for the cultivation of the season, late autumn and early spring and late spring early summer is appropriate.