重庆警备区牢记“全心全意为人民服务”的宗旨,积极组织部队和民兵向贫困宣战,使三峡库区近10万群众摆脱了贫困。 扶贫先扶志。警备区在开展扶贫工作中,始终坚持把扶志放在首位。去年以来,先后派出3000多人次深入到库区的21个贫困县的112个乡镇宣传党的致富政策,为贫困户送温暖,送技术,找贫困原因,传致富方法。
Chongqing Garrison District, bearing in mind the principle of “serving the people wholeheartedly,” actively organized troops and militias to declare war on poverty and pushed nearly 100,000 people in the Three Gorges reservoir area out of poverty. Poverty alleviation first help. Garrison in carrying out anti-poverty work, always adhere to the first priority. Since last year, more than 3,000 people have been dispatched to 112 villages and towns of 21 poor counties that have made in-depth visits to the reservoir area to publicize the Party’s policy of enriching the poor, giving them warmth, sending technology, finding the causes of poverty, and passing rich methods.