吴淞铁路,是中国第一条铁路。 1874年(同治13年),英商怡和洋行集资组建铁路公司,购买自“英租界”以北到吴淞一带的农田修筑铁路。路基于1874年12月动工,到1876年2月初(光绪2年正月)铁轨已铺设到江湾徐家花园附近。
Wusong Railway, China’s first railway. In 1874 (Tongzhi 13 years), British businessman Jardine Matheson set up a railway company to finance the construction of railroads in the farmland north of the British Concession to Wusong. Road started in December 1874 to early February 1876 (Guangxu 2 years the first month) railroad has been laid to Jiang Wan Xu Garden near.