利用多媒体引导学生进入问题情景,在观察中进行问答。如在教学七年级(下)Unit 12 Don’t eat in class!时,笔者在课前拍摄了一段学生上课的违纪录像。先让学生观看录像,然后问学生:What do they do in the classroom ? 学生快速地回答老师提出的问题。老师适时地进行点评:They break the rules. They don’t keep the rules.此时,在PPT上呈现学生在课堂上睡觉的图片,接着追问:What shouldn’t we do?同时引导学生说出新的句型:Don’t sleep in class. No sleeping in class.这样的设计,既有利于学生对句型的理解,也在无形中对学生进行了遵守校纪校规的思想渗透。
又如在教学八年级(上)Unit 6 I’m more outgoing than my sister. Section B1a-2c 时,笔者作了如下设计:两段Tom& Jerry的动画片:Tom chasing Jerry,Tom and Jerry happy together让学生进行讨论:Are Tom and Jerry friends? Why do they always fight with each other? Why don’t they leave each other? What will life be like if they don’t have each other in their life? 以学生感兴趣的角色展开讨论,学生自然显得有话可说。
初中英语教材中蕴含着丰富的语言材料,教师可以围绕这些语言材料展开提问。如:教学九年级Unit 10 By the time I got outside, the bus had already left.(Section B 3a-3c)时,在学习完文本中的三则hoax后,笔者提问学生:Did you have such experience on April Fool’s Day? Have you ever played jokes on others? Have you ever been fooled by others? 并让学生Talk about their experience freely,提高了学生的语言表达能力。
九年级Unit11 Section B Eat, have fun and learn in Watertown!是一篇介绍游乐场的文章。阅读后,可以让一个学生扮演guide,模仿文章从吃、住、玩等几个方面来介绍自己的家乡,教师引导其他同学向guide提问,力争让每个学生都有语言实践机会。
在学生学习了文本后,可以设计有趣的活动,创设有效问题情景。如在学习了八年级(下)Unit 4 He said I was hard-working后,可以开展“Is it good to be a teacher?”的辩论赛。将全班分成正方和反方两大组,发表各自观点, 要求必须先用He/ She said… 进行复述,操练宾语从句,再接着发表自己的观点:I don’t think so. I think…锻炼学生的交际能力、应变能力、逻辑能力和语言表达能力。
教师在备课时要考虑学生的知识水平和回答问题的能力,然后设计难易适度的问题。提问时要尽量面向全体,让学生人人有机会参与回答,让各个层次的学生都能得到成功的体验。例如:教学九年级Unit7 Reading I’d love to sail across the Pacific.时,笔者利用学生的好奇心和探索欲望,创设任务,使原本枯燥的阅读教学变得丰富多彩。首先呈现自己blog上What’s your dream? 问题的回答,引出新单词。
①. I’d love to have my own company one day.
②. I’d like to sail across the Pacific Ocean.
③. I dream of going to the moon.
④. We would like to be sportspeople like Liu Xiang and Yao Ming.
接着,告诉学生:Different people, different dreams. I dream of becoming a volunteer in the Asian Games in Guangzhou. And I hope to be an excellent English teacher.在此基础上讨论Before You Read 中的问题Do you think dreams and hopes are the same?使他们能快速进入阅读状态;让学生速读第二段后回答问题:What’s the most popular choice of job?再细读课文,回答问题:What would students like to do after finishing education and why? What are the dreams of teenagers? 学生根据教师提供的问题复述课文内容。然后过渡到课文最后一段Conclusion,让学生填空。最后设计了三个任务。任务一:Fill in the blanks ( A passage about Bill Gates);任务二: 学生谈论自己和同学的dream. I have a dream. My dream is to be… I can achieve that by… ** has a dream. His dream is to be… He can achieve that by…任务三:Enjoy Martin Luther King & his famous speech “I have a dream” .
教师在课堂教学中应紧紧围绕主题,精心设计教学问题。如在教学七年级(下)Unit3 Why do you like koalas? Period 1时,教师创设的问题主要有:
①Let’s look at some pictures. What animals can you see? <导入>…
②Where can you see these animals? What animals do you like? Why do you like them? <设疑>…
③If there will be a zoo in our city, what animals do you want to see? Why? <创设情景>…课堂上教师给学生机会,大胆放手,让学生去说;学生积极参与、自主学习,成为课堂教学的真正受益者。
利用多媒体引导学生进入问题情景,在观察中进行问答。如在教学七年级(下)Unit 12 Don’t eat in class!时,笔者在课前拍摄了一段学生上课的违纪录像。先让学生观看录像,然后问学生:What do they do in the classroom ? 学生快速地回答老师提出的问题。老师适时地进行点评:They break the rules. They don’t keep the rules.此时,在PPT上呈现学生在课堂上睡觉的图片,接着追问:What shouldn’t we do?同时引导学生说出新的句型:Don’t sleep in class. No sleeping in class.这样的设计,既有利于学生对句型的理解,也在无形中对学生进行了遵守校纪校规的思想渗透。
又如在教学八年级(上)Unit 6 I’m more outgoing than my sister. Section B1a-2c 时,笔者作了如下设计:两段Tom& Jerry的动画片:Tom chasing Jerry,Tom and Jerry happy together让学生进行讨论:Are Tom and Jerry friends? Why do they always fight with each other? Why don’t they leave each other? What will life be like if they don’t have each other in their life? 以学生感兴趣的角色展开讨论,学生自然显得有话可说。
初中英语教材中蕴含着丰富的语言材料,教师可以围绕这些语言材料展开提问。如:教学九年级Unit 10 By the time I got outside, the bus had already left.(Section B 3a-3c)时,在学习完文本中的三则hoax后,笔者提问学生:Did you have such experience on April Fool’s Day? Have you ever played jokes on others? Have you ever been fooled by others? 并让学生Talk about their experience freely,提高了学生的语言表达能力。
九年级Unit11 Section B Eat, have fun and learn in Watertown!是一篇介绍游乐场的文章。阅读后,可以让一个学生扮演guide,模仿文章从吃、住、玩等几个方面来介绍自己的家乡,教师引导其他同学向guide提问,力争让每个学生都有语言实践机会。
在学生学习了文本后,可以设计有趣的活动,创设有效问题情景。如在学习了八年级(下)Unit 4 He said I was hard-working后,可以开展“Is it good to be a teacher?”的辩论赛。将全班分成正方和反方两大组,发表各自观点, 要求必须先用He/ She said… 进行复述,操练宾语从句,再接着发表自己的观点:I don’t think so. I think…锻炼学生的交际能力、应变能力、逻辑能力和语言表达能力。
教师在备课时要考虑学生的知识水平和回答问题的能力,然后设计难易适度的问题。提问时要尽量面向全体,让学生人人有机会参与回答,让各个层次的学生都能得到成功的体验。例如:教学九年级Unit7 Reading I’d love to sail across the Pacific.时,笔者利用学生的好奇心和探索欲望,创设任务,使原本枯燥的阅读教学变得丰富多彩。首先呈现自己blog上What’s your dream? 问题的回答,引出新单词。
①. I’d love to have my own company one day.
②. I’d like to sail across the Pacific Ocean.
③. I dream of going to the moon.
④. We would like to be sportspeople like Liu Xiang and Yao Ming.
接着,告诉学生:Different people, different dreams. I dream of becoming a volunteer in the Asian Games in Guangzhou. And I hope to be an excellent English teacher.在此基础上讨论Before You Read 中的问题Do you think dreams and hopes are the same?使他们能快速进入阅读状态;让学生速读第二段后回答问题:What’s the most popular choice of job?再细读课文,回答问题:What would students like to do after finishing education and why? What are the dreams of teenagers? 学生根据教师提供的问题复述课文内容。然后过渡到课文最后一段Conclusion,让学生填空。最后设计了三个任务。任务一:Fill in the blanks ( A passage about Bill Gates);任务二: 学生谈论自己和同学的dream. I have a dream. My dream is to be… I can achieve that by… ** has a dream. His dream is to be… He can achieve that by…任务三:Enjoy Martin Luther King & his famous speech “I have a dream” .
教师在课堂教学中应紧紧围绕主题,精心设计教学问题。如在教学七年级(下)Unit3 Why do you like koalas? Period 1时,教师创设的问题主要有:
①Let’s look at some pictures. What animals can you see? <导入>…
②Where can you see these animals? What animals do you like? Why do you like them? <设疑>…
③If there will be a zoo in our city, what animals do you want to see? Why? <创设情景>…课堂上教师给学生机会,大胆放手,让学生去说;学生积极参与、自主学习,成为课堂教学的真正受益者。