提起哈尔滨市粮食局尚志直属粮库的发展历程,就不能不提到粮库的创史人——尚志直属粮库党总支书记冷学志同志。 一、听从党召唤、勇于挑重担 1993年2月,原松花江地区粮食局决定在尚志市所在地新建一个直属粮库。冷学志同志被组织确认为当然人选,尽管他本人对此毫无思想准备,但为了党的事业义无反顾地服从了组织安排,走上了艰苦创业的新岗位。建库之初,筹建小组仅6人,万事开头难。但在他苦干实干的模范行动影响下,创建工作闯过一关又一关。在筹建粮库的120多个日日夜夜里,他在为勘察论证选定库址时,总是走在厚厚的积雪里,爬行在凹凸不平、沟壑叠层
Mention Harbin Food Bureau Shangzhi directly under the development process of grain depots, we can not fail to mention the founder of the grain depot - Shangzhi directly under the party secretary of Cold Storage Ligongzhizhi comrades. First, obey the party summons, courage to take the heavy In February 1993, the former grain bureau of the Songhua River decided to establish a new grain depot in the area of Shangzhi City. Comrade Leng Xuezhi was confirmed as an ex-officio candidate. Although he himself had no ideological preparation for this, he unselfishly obeyed the organizational arrangements for the cause of the Party and embarked on a new post of arduous pioneering. At the beginning of the construction of the library, the preparation team only 6 people, everything is difficult at the beginning. However, under the influence of his hard-working and exemplary actions, the work of creating one after another broke through one after another. In preparing more than 120 days and nights of the grain depot, he always walked in the thick snow when he selected the site for investigation and demonstration. He crawled in a rugged,