江泽民总书记在视察人民日报和解放军报时都突出强调,新闻事业能不能办好,关键在有没有一支高素质的新闻队伍。新时期要建设一支更高素质的新闻队伍,涉及面很广,特别要注意培养以下几方面的素质。 一、政治素质过硬,头脑冷静清醒。新闻舆论工作是一项政治性很强的工作。毛泽东同志说过:“搞新闻工作,要政治家办报”。“记者要保持冷静、清醒的政治头脑”。我们的新闻媒体,担负着宣传党中央、国务院和中央军委的方针、政策、指示和命令,教育、鼓舞和引导全党、全军及全国人民同心同德、群策群力,为实现党的基本
General Secretary Jiang Zemin’s visit to the People’s Daily and the People’s Liberation Army laid stress on stress on whether journalism can be handled well. The key point is whether there is a contingent of high-quality news reporters. In the new era, it is necessary to build a contingent of higher-quality journalists who cover a wide range of topics and pay particular attention to cultivating the following qualities. First, excellent political quality, calm and sober mind. Public opinion work is a highly political work. Comrade Mao Tse-tung said: “We should carry out press work and report to politicians.” “Reporters want to stay calm and sober political mind.” Our news media are responsible for propagating the guidelines, policies, directives and orders of the Party Central Committee, the State Council and the Central Military Commission, educating, inspiring and guiding the entire party, the entire army and people across the country to work in unity and work together for the realization of the party’s basic