1859年11月24日,达尔文的《物种起源》一书正式问世,第一版印数1250册,当天销售一空,人们争相传阅。此书的出版,惊动了当时的欧美大陆,影响世界和后世,是科学史上的伟大发现。 《物种起源》以极其丰富的材料和确凿的证据,证明了生物世界不是上帝的特殊创造物,而是少数古代祖先的直系后代。所有不同种类的生物都是由共同的祖先传下来的。它们在自然选择的作用下,由简单到复杂、由低级到高级不断演进着。这就是达尔文宣布的生物进化论。他创立的生物进化论因为触犯和戳穿了千百年来基督教关于上帝造人、造物的谎言,所以受到宗教保守者们的反对。
November 24, 1859, Darwin’s “Origin of Species” was officially published, the first edition of 1250 copies, the day sold out, people competing for circulation. The publication of this book, which aroused the then European and American continents, affected the world and future generations, was a great discovery in the history of science. The Origin of Species proves that the biological world is not a special creation of God, but rather an immediate descendant of an ancient ancestors, with extremely rich materials and solid evidence. All different kinds of creatures are handed down by a common ancestor. Under the influence of natural selection, they evolved from simple to complex, from low to high. This is the biological theory of evolution announced by Darwin. The biological evolutionism that he founded was opposed by religious conservatives for violating and puncturing Christianity’s falsehoods about God’s creation and creation for thousands of years.