轰动一时的发现 1977年4月25日,日本大洋渔业公司的一艘远洋拖网船“瑞洋丸”号,在新西兰克拉斯特彻奇市以东50多公里的海面上捕鱼(见图1)。当船员们把沉到海下300米处的渔网拉上来时,一只意想不到的庞然大物,呼的一下和网一起被拉了上来。网里是一具从来没有见过的怪兽尸体,被网套着,看不清它的全貌,于是,他们把绳索拴在怪兽尸体的中部,用起重机把它吊了起来。一股强烈的腐臭,从尸体散发了出来,尸体上的脂肪和一小部分肌肉,拉着长长的粘丝掉在甲板上,
Sensational discovery On April 25, 1977, an ocean-going trawler “Ray-Sun Pills” of Japan’s Ocean Fishery Co., fishing on the sea more than 50 kilometers east of Krastech, New Zealand (see Figure 1 ). When the crew pulled the fishing nets that sank 300 meters below the sea, an unexpected monster dragged it up with the net. The net was a body of monsters that had never been seen before. It was covered with nets and could not see the whole picture. So they tied the rope to the middle of the monster’s body and hoisted it with a crane. A strong rancid, emanating from the body, the body fat and a small part of the muscle, pulled a long sticky wire fell on the deck,