Development and Validation of a Model for Predicting Diabetic Nephropathy in Chinese People

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Objective To develop a risk model for predicting later development of diabetic nephropathy(DN)in Chinese people with type 2 diabetes mellitus(T2DM)and evaluate its performance with independent validation.Methods We used data collected from the project‘Comprehensive Research on the Prevention and Control of Diabetes’,which was a community-based study conducted by the Jiangsu Center for Disease Control and Prevention in 2013.A total of 11,771 eligible participants were included in our study.The endpoint was a clear diagnosis of DN.Data was divided into two components:a training set for model development and a test set for validation.The Cox proportional hazard regression was used for survival analysis in men and women.The model’s performance was evaluated by discrimination and calibration.Results The incidence(cases per 10,000 person-years)of DN was 9.95(95%CI;8.66-11.43)in women and 11.28(95%CI;9.77-13.03)in men.Factors including diagnosis age,location,body mass index,high-density-lipoprotein cholesterol,creatinine,hypertension,dyslipidemia,retinopathy,diet control,and physical activity were significant in the final model.The model showed high discrimination and good calibration.Conclusion The risk model for predicting DN in people with T2DM can be used in clinical practice for improving the quality of risk management and intervention. Objective To develop a risk model for predicting later development of diabetic nephropathy (DN) in Chinese people with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and evaluate its performance with independent validation. Methods We used data collected from the project ’Comprehensive Research on the Prevention and Control of Diabetes’, which was a community-based study conducted by the Jiangsu Center for Disease Control and Prevention in 2013. A total of 11,771 eligible participants were in our study. The endpoint was a clear diagnosis of DN. Data was divided into two components: a training set for model development and a test set for validation. The Cox proportional hazard regression was used for survival analysis in men and women. The model’s performance was evaluated by discrimination and calibration. Results of The incidence (cases per 10,000 person- years) of DN was 9.95 (95% CI; 8.66-11.43) in women and 11.28 (95% CI; 9.77-13.03) in men.Factors including diagnosis age, location, body mass index, high-density -lipoprotein cholesterol, creatinine, hypertension, dyslipidemia, retinopathy, diet control, and physical activity were significant in the final model. The model showed high discrimination and good calibration. Contact The risk model for predicting DN in people with T2DM can be used in clinical practice for improving the quality of risk management and intervention.
平面广告创意教学课程不仅要让学生了解到什么是平面广告、 什么是创意广告,更要让学生实现平面广告的设计和创作,这才是平面广告创意课程的核心.就目前的分析来看,要让学生
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轰鸣的机器改变了大地,也改变了我们思考的方式。我们洗去身上的泥土,走进喧闹的城市——这本身是进步的标志——可是我们忘不了大地,以及大地上的村庄。村庄成为许多城里人在月光中思念的方向和前行的力量。  选了几篇不同风格的文字,都和村庄有关。  海子的诗像太阳一样高贵但从不傲慢,因为他来自土地。他追求的是土地而不是田园,土地和田园不一样,田园是诗人隐逸避世的精神依赖,而土地是创造生命的根本,充满了力量。