一、前言装配整体式单层厂房建筑体系,是唐山地震后在总结已有厂房震害的基础上,根据我国具体情况研究设计的一种适用于较强烈地震区的建筑体系,在唐山地区已试用了两万多平方米,效果良好,经有关单位鉴定,一致认为是改进目前我国常用单层厂房结构抗震性能比较好的形式,并被唐山地区决定为推广采用的基本厂房建筑体系。这个体系具有如下优点: 1.具有抗御设计烈度为八度以上地震的能力。 2.以钢筋混凝土为主要建筑材料。
I. INTRODUCTION The construction of an integrated single-storey factory building system is based on the earthquake disaster of the existing factory building after the Tangshan earthquake. According to the specific conditions of our country, a kind of building system suitable for the relatively strong earthquake area has been researched and designed. It has been built in the Tangshan area. Trial of more than 20,000 square meters, the effect is good, the identification by the relevant units, agreed that it is to improve the current structure of commonly used single-storey building seismic performance better form, and was decided to promote the adoption of Tangshan area of the basic plant building system. This system has the following advantages: 1. It has the ability to resist earthquakes with a design intensity of more than octaves. 2. With reinforced concrete as the main building material.