1997年Caenepeel,Militaru和Zhu[1]证明了Doi-Hopf模的Maschke型定理,在这篇文章中,我们引进了辫子Doi-Hopf模,证明了类似的Maschke型定理.“,”In 1997 Caenepeel, Militaru and Zhu[1] showed that there exist a Maschke type theorem for Doi-Hopf Modules. An analog result for braided Hopf modules was not known. In this paper, we introduce conception of braided Doi-Hopf module as the generalization of braided Hopf modules. They are Doi-Hopf modules over arbitrary Quasitriangular Hopf Algebras. We provide a Maschke type theorem for such braided Doi-Hopf modules.