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肉毒中毒是我国常见的食物中毒之一,据不完全统计,已有15个省、区有肉毒梭菌食物中毒发生,新疆地区发病率尤高。肉毒梭菌在自然界分布较广,它不仅存在于土壤中,江河湖海以及人和动物的肠道均是它的自然栖处,并可借助于食品、农作物、水果、蔬菜、海产品、昆虫、家禽、鸟类等传播各地,现仅就我国肉毒中毒的流行特点及肉毒梭菌的分布情况简介如下。一、流行特点及临床分析1.引起肉毒中毒的食品国外报道多为蔬 Botulinum poisoning is one of the common food poisoning in our country. According to incomplete statistics, there are 15 provinces and regions with C. botulinum food poisoning. The incidence in Xinjiang is particularly high. Clostridium botulinum is widely distributed in nature. It not only exists in the soil, but also in the gut of rivers, lakes and rivers as well as the intestines of humans and animals. It can be used as a natural habitat for food, crops, fruits, vegetables, seafoods, Insects, poultry, birds and other spread around, only the prevalence of botulism in China and the distribution of Clostridium botulinum profile is as follows. First, the prevalence characteristics and clinical analysis 1. Food poisoning caused by botulism Foreign reports mostly vegetables