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绕过阿甘本,我们就无法理解时人所说的例外状态。阿甘本以本雅明超越施密特,从三方面构建了自己的例外状态空间:法律效力空间,主要强调例外状态是对法律的一种悬置;权威与权力互斥、互补的空间,着重阐释例外状态中两个主体之间的运作机制;以生命为基础的常规空间,重点凸显例外状态与生命的内在关联。以此为基础,阿甘本提出了一种真正的例外状态——弥赛亚例外状态。 Bypassing Forrest Gump, we can not understand what the people call the exception. Benjamin Benjamin outperformed Schmidt, from three aspects to build their own space for state of exception: the space for legal effectiveness, the main emphasis on the status of exception is a suspension of law; authority and power mutually exclusive, complementary space, focusing Explain the operating mechanism between two subjects in the state of exception; the conventional space based on life, highlighting the inherent relationship between the state of exception and life. On this basis, Forrest Gump proposed a real exception - the Messiah exception.