2006年4月19日,在中国互联网协会主办、博客网承办的《文明上网自律公约》研讨会上,听到了一个有意思的话题——Web 2.0时代的博客内容究竟是更难以管理,还是更加易于管理。一方的说法是,Web 2.0的时代,作为博客的网民可以抛开单向的被动接受信息,被动的等待自己发布的信息被别人接收的方式,不再只是一个网络世界的受众。而是反过来,得到了信息的发布权,参与思想(或者说内
On April 19, 2006, an interesting topic was heard at a seminar on “Civilized Internet Access Convention” sponsored by the Internet Society of China and conducted by the blogging network - whether the blog content in the Web 2.0 era is more difficult to manage or more easily management. One side of the argument is that in the era of Web 2.0, Internet users who blog as a blog can pass away from one-way passive acceptance of information and passively wait for the information they publish to be received by others instead of just being an Internet-based audience. Instead, they get the right to publish the information, to participate in the thought (or, say, within