民国初年 ,北洋政府废除《大清矿务章程》 ,颁布《矿务条例》。因该条例取消对民族资本开矿的限制和障碍 ,广西地方当局审时度势 ,抓住时机 ,成立官方权威机构统管矿业权 ,使广西锡矿业得到迅猛发展。本文记述了民国时期锡矿如何开采和冶炼的过程。锡矿业是广西矿业经济支柱产业之一 ,它带动了相关产业的发展 ,在解决当地失业问题和矿业资本流动以及促进当地经济发展做出了重要贡献。
In the early Republic of China, Beiyang government abolished the “Qing Mining Regulations,” promulgated the “Mining Ordinance.” Because of the Ordinance to lift restrictions and obstacles to the exploitation of national capital, Guangxi local authorities to assess the situation, seize the opportunity to establish an official authority to control the mining rights, so that the rapid development of Guangxi tin mining industry. This article describes the process of tin mining and smelting in the Republic of China. Tin mining is one of the pillar industries in Guangxi’s mining economy. It has driven the development of related industries and made important contributions in solving the problems of local unemployment and the flow of mining capital and promoting local economic development.