经学是中国传统思想与学术的重要部份。自孔子删六经 ,至董仲舒著《春秋繁露》 ,罢黜百家 ,独尊儒术 ,奠定了中国专制主义大一统国家占主流的意识形态。此后 ,经学就和中国几千年封建社会政治、经济、法律、道德、艺术、文化密切联系 ,对中国封建社会各方面有着极其重要的影响
Scholarship is an important part of Chinese traditional thoughts and scholarship. Since Confucius deleted the Six Classics, to Dong Zhongshu “Chunqiu Fanlu”, strike a hundred schools, monopolize Confucianism, laid the dominant ideology of China’s authoritarian state unified. Since then, the study of the Chinese feudal society for thousands of years of political, economic, legal, moral, artistic, cultural close ties, all aspects of China’s feudal society has an extremely important impact