1992年11月在山西省第十二届社会珠算技术质量比赛会上,一位年仅25岁的姑娘夺走了珠算双项状元的桂冠。她,就是山西省晋城市郊区信用联社营业部付主任阎朝霞同志。 知道内情的人都说:朝霞的成功是辛勤的汗水换来的。“全国金融劳动模范”,她当之无愧。因为她谦虚,刻苦,有一般女孩子难以具备的坚韧不拔的毅力。1985年,高考落榜之后,由于家庭贫困她放弃了复习,参加了信用社的招工考试,以优异的成绩被录取。刚进信用社那阵子,看着同事们那灵活的手指在算盘上轻快的拨动,可自己的手指怎么也不听使唤,别人十分钟就能干完的事,她就需要半个小时,常常影响了业务,小阎暗地里抹过眼泪,但朝霞生来就有一股“犟”劲,她暗下决心。先从练打算盘开始。从此,她与珠算结下了不解之缘,每天起床
In November 1992, at the Twelfth Social Abacus Technology Quality Competition in Shanxi Province, a 25-year-old girl claimed the title of “Bead champion”. She is Comrade Yan Zhaoxia, director of the sales department of the suburban credit cooperatives in Jincheng City of Shanxi Province. People who know the inside story said: the success of the sunrise is hard sweat in exchange for. “National model financial worker,” she deserved. Because she is modest, hardworking, hard-won perseverance that ordinary girls can not have. In 1985, after the college entrance examination failed, she gave up her review due to family poverty, took part in recruitment examination of the credit cooperatives, and was admitted with good grades. Just entered the credit union that time, looking at my colleagues that flexible fingers in the abacus brisk dial, can not hear their own fingers how to do, people will be able to finish things ten minutes, she will need half an hour, often Affected the business, Xiao Yan secretly wiped tears, but Astroia born there is a “犟” Jin, she secretly determined. Start by practicing the plan. Since then, she and Abacus brought an indissoluble bound to get up every day