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北京市计算中心建立于1973年,是国内最早建立的为数不多的计算中心之一。二十余年经历了我国计算机应用技术发展的整个过程。至今她走过的路可分为三个阶段。1982年以前是第一阶段,凭借中心技术及设备优势服务于政府部门以及提供良好的计算环境,上机客户络绎不绝,机时利用率很高。大家都在坐等客户登门。1983年至1990年为第二阶段,这一期间,个人计界机在国内应用得愈来愈广泛,计算机应用技术闯入了一块又一块传统行业的领地。到中心来上机的客户愈来愈少,但要求结合本部门本行业特点扩大计算机应用范围的社会需求愈来愈旺盛。这一阶段,北京市计算中心大力开发计算机辅助设计、管理信息系统、办公自动化以及数据处理等技术,应用领域遍及税务、金融、工业、商业、建筑交通、能源、环保、酒店等各行各业。尤其是全国第三次人口普查,铁路物资调运优化以及第十一届亚洲运动会计算机工程等大型项目的成果突出反映了北京市计算中心的技术水平和组织能力。现在正处于第三阶段,这是一个在改革开放的大 Beijing Computing Center was established in 1973, is one of the earliest established one of the computing centers. More than twenty years have experienced the whole process of the development of computer application technology in our country. The road she has taken so far can be divided into three stages. Before 1982, it was the first stage. With the central technical and equipment advantages of serving the government departments and providing a good computing environment, there was an endless stream of customers on the machine and a high utilization rate of machines. We are waiting for customers to come. The second phase, from 1983 to 1990, during which personal personal computers were used more and more in the country, and computer application technology broke into the territory of one traditional industry after another. There are fewer and fewer customers coming to the center, but the social demand for expanding the scope of computer applications in combination with the characteristics of the industry in this department is growing. At this stage, Beijing Computing Center vigorously develops technologies such as computer-aided design, management information system, office automation and data processing. Its fields of application cover various fields such as taxation, finance, industry, commerce, construction and transportation, energy, environmental protection and hotels. In particular, the achievements of such large-scale projects as the Third National Census, the Optimization of Railway Materials Transportation and Transportation, and the Computer Engineering of the 11th Asian Games Games highlight the technical level and organizational capabilities of the Beijing Computing Center. It is now in the third stage, which is a big reform and opening up
本研究应用国产盐酸纳曲酮对86例临床脱毒后的阿片类依赖者进行了6 -12mon临床观察,并随机挑选同期入院未接受纳曲酮治疗的86例阿片类依赖者作为对照,结果表明:试验组服用纳