作者在对福建省罗源县畲汉两族遗传病流行病学调查中发现汉族、畲族各2名红细胞葡萄糖6-磷酸脱氢酶(G_6PD)缺乏症男性患者。 2名汉族患者中1名(例1)反复出现无明显诱因的溶血,另1名(例2)有蚕豆病史,
In the epidemiological investigation of hereditary and Han nationality in Luoyuan County of Fujian Province, we found that there were 2 male patients with G-6PD deficiency in Han and She nationality. One of 2 Han patients (case 1) repeatedly showed no obvious predisposition to hemolysis, the other one (case 2) had a history of broad bean disease,