1985年9月10日,驻穗空军某部食堂因聚餐发生一起食物中毒,经流行病学调查和实验室检验,证实是由于食入被副溶血性弧菌污染的海蟹而引起的,报告如下:临床表现 1、潜伏期最短者为13小时,最长者为22小时,均潜伏期16.5小时。 2、症状和体征病人先觉周身不适,腹胀,继而山现上腹部、脐周阵发性绞痛。多数病人伴有恶心、呕吐、发热和头晕;大部分病人为水样便,仅有2例为肉眼可见血水样便。每日腹泻数次至10多次。有19例病人住院,大部分体温在38℃左右,其中3例较重,有脱水
On September 10, 1985, a mess in the canteen of the Guangzhou-Guangzhou Air Force was reported for food poisoning due to dinner. The epidemiological investigation and laboratory tests confirmed that it was caused by ingestion of crabs contaminated with Vibrio parahaemolyticus. As follows: Clinical manifestations 1, the shortest incubation period of 13 hours, the longest 22 hours, were 16.5 hours incubation period. 2, symptoms and signs of perceptual discomfort, abdominal distension, and then the mountain is now on the abdomen, umbilical paroxysmal colic. Most patients with nausea, vomiting, fever and dizziness; most patients with watery stools, only 2 cases were visible bloody stools. Diarrhea several times a day to more than 10 times. 19 patients were hospitalized, most of the body temperature at about 38 ℃, of which 3 were heavier, dehydrated