QS 90 0 0标准是美国福特、克莱斯勒和通用汽车公司在ISO 90 0 0标准的基础上 ,补充了汽车制造业及三大公司的特殊要求形成的。本文简要介绍了QS 90 0 0的发展、QS 90 0 0与ISO 90 0 0的主要区别 ,以及在铸造企业实施QS 90 0 0的必要性。
The QS 90 0 standard is based on ISO 90 0 standards by Ford, Chrysler and General Motors in the United States, which complemented the special requirements of the automotive industry and the three major companies. This article gives a brief overview of the development of QS 90 0 0, the major differences between QS 90 0 0 and ISO 90 0 0, and the need to implement QS 90 0 0 in foundry businesses.