The defect mode formed after the photonic crystal is introduced into the defect will be enlarged to form a laser in the gain medium. To further clarify the laser characteristics of the defect, the photonic crystal’s characteristic matrix is first analyzed theoretically and the following photon band gap characteristics are obtained: The bandgap width increases with the increase of the number of cycles, but the bandgap of the optical band gap is constant after the number of cycles reaches a certain value. The larger the refractive index ratio, the larger the optical bandgap width. Photonic crystals can simply and effectively extend the band gap range. The wavelength response curve of KTP-defect photonic band structure was obtained experimentally in the forbidden band characteristics of one-dimensional KTP photonic crystal. With the increase of temperature, the refractive index of KTP increased, and then the defect mode moved in the long wavelength direction . The above research has a certain theoretical and practical significance for the development of tiny light sources.