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《学校体育工作条例》和《学校卫生工作条例》颁布不久,广东省湛江市教委、体委和卫生局在市政府的支持下,发扬了雷厉风行的作风,迅速召开了由各县、区教委(局)分管主任(局长)、体卫股长、直属学校校长参加的体育卫生工作三级干部会议,部分县、区的分管县长、区长及大企业教育处处长也参加了会议。与合同志逐章逐条地学习了两个《条例》,他们在提高认识,深刻领会两个《条例》提出的任务、要求及有关规定的基础上,結合本市的实际,制定了《湛江市贯彻《学校体育工作条例》和《学校卫生工作条例》的实施办法》,经市人民政府批准后,由市教委、市体委及市卫生局三家联合发布。湛江市贯彻两个《条例》的实施办法,内容比较全面,目标比较明确,措施也比较得力,很有参考价值。现介绍如后。 Shortly after the promulgation of the Regulations on School Physical Education and the Regulations on School Health, the Board of Education, the Sports Commission and the Health Bureau of Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province, with the support of the municipal government, carried forward the vigorous and resolute style and quickly held a meeting of all districts and counties ) In charge of the third level cadres’ meeting of sports and health work attended by the director (director), head of bodyguard and the headmaster of the school directly under the head, chiefs of districts, district heads and heads of education departments of large enterprises also attended the meeting. Two chapters of the Ordinance, one by one, were studied with the Complaint Committee by chapter by chapter. On the basis of their understanding and understanding of the tasks and requirements set forth in the two “Regulations” and their relevant provisions, and combining with the actual conditions of the Municipality, they formulated the “Regulations on Zhanjiang Implementation of the ”Regulations on the Physical Education in Schools“ and ”Regulations on the Practice of School Health“ shall be jointly promulgated by the Municipal Education Commission, the Municipal Sports Commission and the Municipal Health Bureau upon approval by the Municipal People’s Government. Zhanjiang City, the implementation of the two ”Regulations" approach to implementation, more comprehensive content, more specific goals, measures are relatively effective, a good reference value. Now introduced as after.
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