Research on Service Quality Improvement: the case of C Bank

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  The intent of this essay is to identify the most important factors in explaining service quality variations of a commercial bank. Based on the “four gaps” model, the author did surveys with staff members. From the qualitative data of the questionnaire study, the author located critical factors for C bank in delivering service. The results can be used for developing solutions to narrow these gaps.
  Key words: Service quality, Private banking, Four gaps model
  2. Research Methodology
  In recent years, service in banks has attracted extensive interest due to its universality. Using the four gaps model illustrated in Figure1 , I designed a questionnaire to target the key factors affecting the service quality of C bank. I phoned employees and recorded their answers. I chose these interviewees from different departments to see the service process from different perspective.
  3. Research Object
  I choose the retail banking service of C bank as my research object. C Bank is one of the earliest emerging commercial banks in China. At the end of 2018, the bank had 1410 subbranches in 146 cities in China. Retail banking business include personal deposit business, personal loan business, wealth management and other individual-related service. The reason for choosing retail banking is that it is prevalent and easy to see. Moreover, instead of relying on the financial products the bank provides, retail banking business is more dependent on the performances of employees.
  4. Detailed Findings
  4.1 Inadequate Cooperation. Strict assessment systems hinder cooperation within the bank. As all of the interviewees mentioned, C bank lays heavy stress on the volume of business. Under such circumstance, it is not surprising that interviewees report they often find it hard to function as a team and accomplish team goals.
  4.2 Employee-job fit problem. C bank faces the problem of employee individual variations. The majority of C bank employees own fair university backgrounds or necessary job skills. However, banking service is not only complex but also highly variable. Complaints may occur in various situations, such as when the contact employee is not familiar with the procedure, or fails to handle unexpected matters, or fails to satisfy consumers’ requirements promptly.
  4.3 Technology-job fit problem. Nowadays, Fin-Tech companies have established various online wealth management platforms in which clients can almost handle all their businesses by a click of mouse. Although C bank has invested a great amount of money in upgrading its online banking software, the range of online functions are far from enough.   4.4 Too strict control system and too little flexibility. C bank faces a great deal of problems caused by its cross-department authorizations. When the contact person runs into obstacles in getting the approval of other departments, service quality is jeopardized.
  4.5 Unreasonable supervisory control systems. C bank has established its behavioral control policies and spent efforts to bring these policies into force. However, it did not work as C bank had expected. The root of this problem is that contact personnel are only measured by their output performance, while the results of behavioral control systems are only used as deduction items in the assessment system.
  5. Recommendations
  5.1 Establish service training systems. The training systems should be beneficial for staff on how to communicate with different customers and how to deal with variable situations. Contact personnel should learn to recognize customers, understand their unspoken words, and sometimes make up for customers’ unreached expectations.
  5.2 Improve assessment systems. The assessment systems of C bank need reengineering. On the one hand, instead of treating the service quality factors only as deduction items, the assessment systems should also award high quality service behaviour. On the other hand, the management structure of assessment should be adjustable according to the development of the organization.
  5.3 Establish comprehensive supporting systems. Firstly, C bank should pay attention to market research. Secondly, C bank should reengineer its service management structure. More flat organizational structure should be introduced to the hierarchy of retail banking. Last but not least, C bank should improve its online banking systems and provide more types of online service. Besides, C bank should attach importance to the service quality innovation.
  6. References
  [1]Parasuraman, A., V. A. Zeithaml and L.L. Berry, 1988,”SERVQUAL, A Multiple-Item Scale for Measuring Consumer Perceptions of Service Quality”, Journal of Retailing, 64, pp.12-40
  [2] Parasuraman A., L.L. Berry and V. A. Zeithaml,1983,”Service Firms Need Marketing Skills”, Business Horizons, 26, pp28-31
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