In this paper, the mineralogy of gold in the sulphide deposits of the Lansai volcano in the Skellefte mine area in Northern Sweden is studied. In the massive ore, the enrichment of gold and silver is related to the intrusive, thickening of the dhyantic veins. The veins cut through the deposit. Due to the invasion of coarse basalt into the orebody, the noble metal and galena, together with galena, lead and antimony and salinity, are activated and transferred to the fault zone and the low pressure zone. Because of the Lancet deposit, which has a high mercury content (an average of 250 ppm), it has a significant impact on the mineralization of gold. So gold is amalgam, natural gold, and a small amount of antimony gold (AuSb_2) output. The result of electron probe analysis for the amalgam mineral clusters is Au 0.45 Ag 0.45 Hg 0.10. This article explored the relationship between the composition of the triple-amalgam and the synthesis of the Au-Ag-Hg system. Also found that natural gold and stibnite coexist was worm-like, which is generated at the low temperature by the Fang antimony gold ore rupture.