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目的 了解不同系统功能性躯体症状 (FSS)和心理症状的相互关系。方法 用以SCL - 90和CMI为基础修订的自评心理和躯体症状问卷及一般情况调查表 ,调查某软件企业来医院体检的青年职工 4 5 0例。结果 ⑴不同系统FSS(五官、呼吸、循环、消化、神经肌肉、皮肤、疲劳 )和不同心理症状 (强迫、人际敏感、抑郁、焦虑、敌意、恐怖、偏执 )出现的构成比不同 (7 2 %~ 34 6 % )。⑵不同系统FSS合并出现的主要心理症状不同 ,如循环系统FSS被试同时存在人际敏感、焦虑、恐惧的可能性较大 ;而消化系统FSS被试则同时存在抑郁、恐怖、偏执的机会较大。⑶就诊次数与除皮肤、疲劳外的 5项FSS因子相关明显 (P <0 0 5 )。结论 正确识别和处理不同系统FSS及其可能合并的不同的心理症状是临床各科医师共同的任务 Objective To understand the relationship between functional somatic symptoms (FSS) and psychological symptoms in different systems. Methods A questionnaire of self - assessment psychological and somatic symptoms based on SCL - 90 and CMI and a general situation questionnaire were used to investigate 405 cases of young workers who came to the hospital for physical examination by a software company. Results (1) The constituent ratios of FSS (facial features, respiration, circulation, digestion, neuromuscular, skin and fatigue) and different psychological symptoms (forced, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, anxiety, hostility, terror and paranoid) ~ 34 6%). (2) The main psychological symptoms of FSS merged in different systems are different, such as the possibility of interpersonal sensitivity, anxiety and fear in the circulatory system FSS subjects. However, the FSS participants in the digestive system have more chances of depression, terror and paranoid at the same time . The number of visits was significantly correlated with the five FSS factors except skin and fatigue (P <0.05). Conclusion The correct identification and handling of different systems of FSS and its possible merger of different psychological symptoms is a common task of clinical physicians
番茄灰霉病(Botrytis Cimerec)自80年代以来巳成为我区保护地番茄上的重要病害之一。特别是早春温室(包括改良阳畦)、大棚栽培的番茄,在3月中下旬遇低温高湿的环境条件,发病
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