治疗性血液成分单采是指分离和去除患者血液中某些病理性成分,然后废弃或回输其正常成分的一种输血治疗手段[1],也是医院输血科的一项常规性操作。单采血小板、干细胞等治疗技术现已广泛应用于临床治疗中,由于其操作过程需要严格执行无菌操作,存在医院感染的隐患。解放军第307医院每年开展采集单采血小板约13 000例、干细胞约300例、血浆置换及白细胞去除约100例,积累了丰
Therapeutic blood components Apheresis refers to a blood transfusion that is used to separate and remove certain pathological components of the patient’s blood and then dispose of them or return to their normal components [1]. It is also a routine operation of the transfusion department of a hospital. Apheresis platelets, stem cells and other treatment techniques are now widely used in clinical treatment, because of the need for the strict implementation of aseptic operation of its operation, there are hidden dangers of nosocomial infection. People’s Liberation Army No. 307 Hospital collected about 13 000 cases of collecting platelets per year, about 300 cases of stem cells, plasma exchange and leukocyte removal of about 100 cases, the accumulation of abundance