我国工业发展飞快,用煤量随之巨增。节约用煤应是急需解决的一个大问题。用往复推动炉排做燃烧设备,已广泛应用到一些工业炉窑和小型锅炉(4吨以下)之中。 1984年我们为了解决飞灰、灰渣含碳量高及司炉人员劳动强度大的问题。对SZP_(A10)-13型锅炉的燃烧设备进行了改造。我们用一台减速机带动实现往复水平推动炉排,代替原来的抛煤机和手翻炉排。为了安放往复水平推动炉排,我们把前墙拆除,在3米高的架梁上砌起半截前墙。两侧
China’s rapid industrial development, with a huge increase in the amount of coal. Saving coal should be an urgent need to solve a big problem. With the reciprocating grate to do combustion equipment, has been widely used in some industrial furnaces and small boilers (4 tons). In 1984 we have to solve the problem of fly ash, high carbon content of ash and large staff labor intensity. The SZP_ (A10) -13 boiler combustion equipment has been modified. We use a reducer driven reciprocating level to promote the grate, instead of the original coal thrower and hand-rolled grate. In order to set the reciprocating level to promote the grate, we demolished the front wall and built half a front wall on a 3-meter-high beam. Both sides