5果树杀虫剂药效试验评价5.1荔枝蟓被评价产品有埃尔夫阿托公司的10%歼灭乳油、拜耳公司的2.5 %保得乳油、捷利康公司的2.5%功夫乳油、葛氏化学公司的5%阿锐克乳油。综合评价结果 ,4种药剂对荔枝蝽蟓都有较好的防治效果。说明菊酯类农药对荔枝蝽蟓有较高的活性。
5 Evaluation of Pest Insecticide Efficacy Tests 5.1 Periwinkle products were evaluated with 10% Annie EC by Elfatto, 2.5% Emulsion EC by Bayer AG, 2.5% Kung Fu by Jetcon EC, 5% ARGROCK from GE Chemical. According to the results of the comprehensive evaluation, four kinds of medicaments have good control effects on litchi bugs. Description of pyrethroid pesticides on litchi bugs have higher activity.