去冬今春以来,遂宁市市中区再次掀起了农机提灌和乡村机耕道建设的高潮。到目前为止,全区已维修电灌站 90个、 126台、 5967千瓦,占计划的 90%;其中重点维修和技改电灌站 17个、 32台、 2100千瓦,占计划的 89%;维修柴油机提灌机组 930台套,占计划的 93%;新增提水控
Since the winter and spring, Suining City Central once again set off the tillage of agricultural machinery and rural mechanized road construction. So far, 90, 126 and 5,967 kilowatts of electric irrigation stations have been repaired in the region, accounting for 90% of the planned total; among which 17 are key maintenance and technical renovation electric pumping stations, 32 and 2100 kilowatts, accounting for 89% of the planned; diesel engine maintenance Irrigation unit 930 sets, accounting for 93% of the plan; new water control